How to Shake Things up in Your Holistic Business

business ethical business future-proofing planning resilience Aug 03, 2023
Decorative - How to Shake Things up in Your Holistic Business

Running a holistic business requires gumption - you need to make the best decisions and act on them with energy and determination. But it can be tough, especially when there have been so many challenges to navigate.

And as humans, we tend to be creatures of habit and there will be elements of your business you do as if you’re on autopilot. Doing the same things, in the same ways, because that’s what you do - as you’re aware with your clients, not all habits are healthy!

If there are areas of your business (and life or health) that you’re not happy with, it’s time to shake things up. A few small adjustments can make a huge difference and re-energise you.

Get Clear

Remind yourself of why you do what you do – what is it that lights you up about your work? What are you passionate about? Reconnecting with this will help you to ensure your vision is aligned with you and your values.

Revisit your vision as it's a compass for your business and will help you make good decisions. Review it to ensure it’s still relevant and identify anything that’s changed about it. Ask yourself, is this still right for me? What would I change if there were no limits?

If you need inspiration, here's a blog about creating a vision.

Reality Check

Review how well your business is doing compared to your goals. How many clients have you helped? How much income have you made? Have you done the project you planned to do?

Celebrate what you have achieved as it feels good and will help to keep you motivated. 

Now reflect on how you’re working. Are you working the hours and in the way, you want to?

Understanding this will help you identify the areas of your business that need a shake-up, and where you need to focus first.

Your Favourite Clients

Are the clients you help still those you want to work with or has anything changed? Who are your favourite clients - the ones who are a joy to work with? Where do you do your best work?

Sometimes your niche changes and evolves as you do. Whilst some elements may stay the same, you may identify certain values or qualities in your clients as you get to know them better which in turn, modifies your niche.

Keeping your favourite client in mind - how are they feeling right now? Where are they struggling? Has anything changed for them in the current environment? Do they need help in different ways than before?

Were there any challenges when working with your clients that you can learn from to make your business run smoother in the future? Is there something else that you could offer them that would help them?

Use these insights to consider if there’s anything that needs a shake-up around working with your clients.


Every business will have systems in place - whether you love them or not – they support your business. The more the processes you have flow, the more they will free up your time, and save you energy and money.

Think of the different systems you have from your clients' journey to working with you, to your general administration. Review each step or activity and ask yourself why you’re doing it - there has to be a good and strategic reason behind everything you do. If it's still relevant, consider whether it can be made simpler/easier. These simple questions will help you identify what’s working in your business and what isn’t.

You may find some systems have gotten overly complicated, or you may be spending time on marketing activities which aren’t achieving any results.

Anything that's no longer serving you needs to be stopped, or given a shake-up to make it work.

This blog will help you understand what marketing is working.

Create a Plan of Action

If you’re anything like me, you’ll have lots of areas you want to shake-up. Whilst you may have good intentions, trying to do them all in one go will end in nothing changing! Focus is your superpower at a time like this – create a list of the things you want to shake up and decide where to start based on the one that will make the most difference to your business.

Once you know what that is, decide the steps you need to take, bring the energy, and take the first step.

Get Support

Being in business is a rollercoaster ride and it will test you to the limit. Shaking things up can be fun but it’s also a time where you need your supporters to test ideas, help you navigate the changes and keep you accountable.

I have a business coach, a mastermind group and a business buddy who have been instrumental in helping me shake things up when I need to in my business. It’s their support and energy that’s kept me going. Ensure you surround yourself with a team of cheerleaders who will keep you motivated and moving forward too.

If you’re struggling with shaking things up in your holistic business, let’s have a chat and discover how I can help you.

Your success matters and I’m here to help! Let's have a chat so I can learn more about you and your business, answer your questions, and recommend your best next steps.