7 Warning Signs You’re Stuck Working in Your Holistic Business

business ethical business future-proofing planning Oct 05, 2023
Decorative - 7 Warning Signs You’re Stuck Working in Your Holistic Business

We’re all busy and it’s easy to get bogged down in the day-to-day tasks of running your holistic business and working with clients. Whilst you started your business to do the work you do, and many activities are needed to help your clients, they aren’t necessarily the things that will help your business grow.

How many of the following warning signs that you're stuck working in your holistic business are you experiencing?

7 Warning Signs

  1. You’re trying to do everything yourself and being pulled from one task to another without considering why you’re doing them. You may have started a certain activity for a good reason, but it doesn’t mean it continues to be a good option for your business now.
  2. You’re struggling to pay your bills and you feel desperate to find clients. There's nothing worse than trying to do your best work when you have the dreaded feeling of desperation – where each client has the potential to make or break you.
  3. Time flies and before you know it another week/month/quarter has gone by. You promise yourself that you will finish the project, or start the activity, but a year goes by and you find yourself in the same position - wishing things were different!
  4. You’re constantly firefighting tasks and it feels like there aren’t enough hours in the day. It’s often the admin and marketing tasks that are constantly hanging over you. Whilst you try and fit them in around your clients and home life – there just aren’t enough hours in the day and they build up.
  5. You start projects but they never get finished. You have lots of half-started projects that would be amazing for your business if only you could find the time or inspiration to finish them. Or there are the ideas that are waiting for the opportunity to be worked on, but never make it off the to-do list.
  6. You’re working long hours and still not earning enough. If you were to work out how many hours of work you do for the amount you get paid - do you even earn the minimum living wage? It’s frightening how many holistic practitioners are working for very little money – month in, month out.
  7. You’re drifting along and you don’t know where your business is heading. You know you love helping your clients, but you don’t really know what you want from your business in the long term. You drift from day to day, doing your thing and hoping that everything works out in the end.

Working On Your Business

When you work on your business, your attention is on how to stabilise and grow your business. It gives you the clarity to decide how to move forward and put the right new strategies into action. It’s about working smarter, and not harder.

You’ll never stop working in your business, but the rewards of working on it are game-changing.

Working on your business will help you identify ways to make your business flow, reduce your stress levels and simplify what you do. You’ll start to understand what’s working so you can focus on that and let go of anything that isn’t.

Your confidence in your ability to thrive will grow and you’ll be more efficient with your time and how you work so you’ll have the capacity to bring projects to life.

How to Get Started Working on Your Business

You must make time for your business, or it won’t happen. Build time in your diary each week or month to work on your business. Even if you only do an hour or two - your business will thank you.

Taking time out will help you identify what needs to be done as you’ll have the space to get an overview of your situation. Evaluate what you’re doing to make sure everything fits with your vision for the future and that you’re working towards your goals and making progress.

If possible, get away from your day-to-day work and look for inspiration in your community, and from other businesses that you can adopt and adapt to use in your business.

From your findings, plan the action you need to take next to make the most difference. Ask yourself:

  • “What’s within my control that will make the most difference to my business today?”
  • “What action can I take that will move me towards this?”

Time spent working on your business is a gift that will keep on giving. It will help you to gain clarity about where your business is heading and ensure that everything you do has a purpose and is moving you forward to the success that's right for you.

If you’re struggling with this, it’s time you got support – book a call today and let’s have a chat about how I can help you.

Your success matters and I’m here to help! Let's have a chat so I can learn more about you and your business, answer your questions, and recommend your best next steps.