Why You Need a Vision for Your Holistic Business

business ethical business future-proofing mindset planning productivity Dec 28, 2023
Why You Need a Vision for Your Holistic Business

Do you have a clear vision for your business? If you do, have you revisited it recently?

What is a Vision

In this context, your vision is simply how you imagine your perfect life and business in the future. It can be in 5 years, 10 years or longer, but it’s how you want to live your life and work in an ideal world.

Whilst we don’t have a crystal ball and can’t see into the future, a vision will help you define and create a business that will support how you want to live.

A vision acts as a compass and will give you direction and help to reduce overwhelm by making good decisions. It will also help stop you from getting side-tracked by the things you think you ‘should’ be doing and instead, focus on the right things.

Your vision will give you a sense of clarity for your life and business and help you achieve balance and order. It’s one of the best things you can do for your business, but so often gets completely missed out. Without a vision, you will get carried along for the ride without knowing where you’re going.

Many holistic practitioners are driven by their passion for their approach and helping people. They build a business similar to their peers because they think that’s what’s expected. Before they know it, they’re floundering and don’t know which way to turn.

If you’ve fallen into a working pattern that isn’t right for you, it’s time to take a step back and start with the end in mind.

Creating Your Vision

Take time out somewhere you have the space to think clearly. Moving to a different environment and away from any distractions is useful.

Imagine your life and business five years from now and answer the following questions:

  • What does an ideal day in your life look like?
  • Who are the people in your life?
  • Where do you live?
  • What’s important to you?
  • What are your hobbies?
  • Who are the clients you're helping?
  • How are you working with your clients?
  • What hours and days are you working?
  • Where are you working?
  • How much are you earning?
  • What other projects or charities are you involved in?
  • How are you making yourself a priority?

Write down the different elements of your life and business so you have a detailed description of how life will work for you.

Now spend some time imagining working in this way, does it feel right? Is it how you want to be living and working? Is this the ideal life and business for you?

Dreaming Big

Does this vision live up to your big dreams? You know those secret, scary dreams that you keep hidden! Ask yourself:

  • Does it reflect how you really want to live, or are you limiting your vision in any way?
  • What fears do you have about allowing yourself to dream big?
  • If there were no limits, what would change about your vision?

Now review your vision and make sure it includes space for your big dreams.

Making Your Vision Come to Life

Once you’ve got a good idea of your vision, it’s time to make it work for you.

There's no point in reflecting and writing everything down only to put your notebook in a drawer never to be seen again. Your vision is your North Star – it’s there to guide you.

How you do this is different for everyone, but the important thing is - you make it personal and something that you see all the time, so it acts as a constant reminder.

Here are a few suggestions on how to do this:

  • Write your vision in your favourite notebook or journal
  • Turn your written version into a poster or word cloud to display
  • Draw it or create a piece of artwork to represent it
  • Create a vision board collage using photos, cuttings, and souvenirs
  • Use Pinterest and create a digital board

Do whatever works for you. Find a way to represent exactly how you imagine yourself living and working.
You don’t need to know all the answers now, and your vision will evolve and change as you do. But it will give you direction and help you to plan your business. It is the starting point for making plans that will help you thrive.

Join me for my Planning to Thrive Live Online Workshop

10am - 2pm GMT on Sunday 14 January 2024

Come along and show your small business some love to get the year started right.

Think of this as a mini-retreat for you and your business. I will help you create your simple plan ready for 2024, so you know what to do and where to direct your marketing efforts. Imagine being able to enjoy the holidays knowing exactly what you need to do to succeed in the New Year. Get the full information here.

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