Podcast 57: Using Paid Online Advertising to Find Clients

ethical marketing finding clients marketing podcast Mar 18, 2021
Paid Online Advertising to Find Clients

Have you been thinking about doing paid advertising online to find clients for your holistic business?

Many practitioners consider it, thinking it’s a quick or easy way to find clients.  But it isn’t a decision to take lightly – it needs to be done strategically to make the most of your money.

Getting paid advertising wrong can cost you dearly.

With any paid advertising, professional help to get your ads set up properly is a good investment.  You can pay someone to do them on your behalf, or do a course to understand how to set the ads up properly for yourself.

There’s always the option to learn as you go and there are loads of free resources available. Be aware, this way will take time and you’re more likely to make expensive mistakes.

Whichever route you decide, allow yourself a budget to test out what works and what doesn’t.

Google Ads

Depending on your discipline and the services you offer, Google Ads is often a good option, especially if you work with very personal issues.  Most people turn to Google first for a solution to their problems, it even has the nickname ‘Dr Google’.

You really need to understand how keywords work – these are the phrases people type into the search box on Google to find solutions.  These are the exact words that your prospective clients are searching for, and are key to running successful ads.

And once you have gotten someone to your website, they need to have a great experience or they will quickly click away.  Your website needs to guide the person to find the information they want and to lead them through the process of working with you.

There will always be an amount of trial and error with Google ads, even if you use professional services to create your ads.

If you decide to go solo and set up your own Google ads campaign, there are comprehensive step by step videos and checklists available by Google.  Simply search for “Setting up Google Ads” to find the latest version.  You definitely want to invest time in understanding them before spending any money.

Social media ads

Social media ads are another option for practitioners and they’re growing in popularity.  You need to be strategic in how you use any ads on social media.  People are on there to be sociable rather than searching for solutions to their problems.  They may not want people knowing what they are struggling with so are less likely to engage if it could be seen by a friend.

If you work with sensitive and personal issues, Google ads may be a better option.

There are strict restrictions especially with health and wellbeing on what you can advertise and the claims you can make.  Check out the guidelines on the platform before spending any time creating ads and chancing them being blocked.

Building connection

There are creative ways you can use ads on social media which will work well for practitioners.  These ads are designed to build connection and relationships with your audience.

Gone are the days where blasting out messages like “buy my thing” connects with anyone.  These types of ads just get lost in the sea of information we are continuously bombarded with.  How often do you buy something directly from an ad you see in your newsfeed?

People need to see messages numerous times before they are likely to entertain them.  If you are selling a personal service, the number of times grows as people will want to get to know you before they decide you are the right person for them.

You’re better off using social media ads to appear on someone’s radar by being helpful.  This is building relationships and connection.  Potential clients will start to get to know you, what you are about and importantly trust you.  When they are ready to take the next step, they are confident you are the right practitioner.

This way of using ads is a longer-term strategy and about building relationships rather than a quick fix.

Understand advertising

Before you start investing in paid advertising on social media, find out what resonates with your audience first.  Putting money behind ads will only work if people are interested in what you have to say or offer in the first place.  Once you know what works, you can then boost this effect by paying for it to be offered to a wider audience.

There is an art to paid ads and you will have to invest time and money to get them right.  Ask your network for recommendations for agencies or courses to help you find the right one for you.

As with any marketing, you should have a goal for what you want to achieve.  When you’re paying for ads, you have to know why, and what results you want to achieve.

Paid advertising is just one marketing strategy.  If you’re struggling to work out what marketing is right for you, book a discovery call today.

Podcast 57 show notes:

  • (02:38) Google Ads
  • (05:40) Social media ads
  • (07:32) Building connection
  • (08:41) Understand what works

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