Podcast 87: Marketing to Your Strengths for Your Holistic Business

content marketing ethical marketing local marketing mindset podcast productivity Oct 21, 2021
Marketing to Your Strengths for Your Holistic Business

Do you struggle when it comes to knowing where to start with your marketing and which activities to pick? 

  • You’re constantly bombarded with all the different things you think you “should” be doing.
  • You notice your peers everywhere and assume they’re busy and finding amazing clients.
  • But you get easily side-tracked and find yourself jumping around from one marketing activity to another.

If you’re currently struggling to get some momentum with your marketing, it’s time to review what you’re doing and work out if it’s a good fit for you.

Marketing to your strengths

By picking marketing activities based on how you best communicate, you’ll save time and energy in the process. You’ll be doing the things that come easier to you which will make it simpler and faster for you to create. 

Marketing is a long-term game and consistency is key and any activities you do need time before you’ll know if they’re working or not.  Once you understand what’s getting you results, you focus on, and do more of those and don’t worry about the others.

There are lots of options based on different communication strengths and you can’t be brilliant at everything so give yourself permission to focus on what you do best.  Working to your strengths will take the pressure off you trying to be everywhere and help you show up authentically.

What are your communication strengths?

Writing – are you a natural writer?  You find you can sit down and express yourself brilliantly through the written word and they just flow. You could consider writing a blog, social media posts, writing a book or eBook, newsletters, emails, magazine articles, or submitting guest posts to other websites.

Talking – do you like to talk and find speaking is the easiest way to get your point across?  You could start a podcast, go networking, find speaking opportunities, be interviewed on podcasts or on the radio, be a guest on a podcast or in groups that have a similar audience to you.

Video – are you comfortable on video?  If this is your happy place, you could start a YouTube channel, create vlogs for your website, create videos for social media either recorded or live, get interviewed as an expert online or on TV, run webinars and workshops.

Graphics – do you prefer expressing yourself and sharing your ideas visually using graphics and images?  You could create infographics, Pinterest boards, social media posts, videos from images, and other arty marketing to promote your business.

What do your clients love to consume?

The crossover between your strengths and where your clients are is the ideal place to focus your marketing efforts.

For example: if you help stressed young professionals who spend hours in their car listening to podcasts, and you love talking, you could create a podcast of your own or be a guest on other podcasts.

Or, if you work with menopausal women who you know do a lot of research and like to read and you love writing, you could create a useful eBook to build an email list and focus on email marketing or submit articles to relevant magazines and websites.

Start simply

Whilst you may be able to or tempted to do most things, start with one and focus on doing that consistently, until you find it easy, and you’re showing up regularly. 

You’ll also start to understand whether it’s working for you or not.  If you’re not getting results after 3-6 months, it's time to review what you're doing and it may be time to make changes. But, as marketing is a long-term game, it can take at least a year, especially with online marketing, to really start to see results.

When you do start to add more activities, be realistic about the time and resources you have available.  It's better to show up in one way consistently than to be dabbling here there and everywhere.

If you view this as getting your foundations in place, you can add to it later with other activities including learning to do some of those that are currently outside of your comfort zone.

If you’re struggling with your marketing and finding clients, I can help you.  I will support and guide you to set up your marketing in a way that works to your strengths, your available resources and feels full of integrity.  Marketing can be fun if done right so book a discovery call with me today and let's get started.

Podcast 87 show notes:

  • (01:42) Why you should market to your strengths
  • (03:28) What are your communication strengths?
  • (07:44) What do your clients love to consume?
  • (09:01) Start simply

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