Podcast 15: How to Repurpose Content for Your Holistic Business

content marketing ethical marketing marketing podcast productivity May 28, 2020
How to Repurpose Content for a Holistic Business

We’re all aware of the environmental issues of rubbish on our planet and the importance of working to reduce waste and recycle where possible.  Upcycling or repurposing items to give them a new lease of life is a great way to save precious resources.  These ideas are transferable to your marketing to make the most of your hard work.

If you’ve been creating any form of marketing content for your business, you’ll know just how much time and effort goes into it.  Are you making the most of it by repurposing content in different ways?  Or, is it a one-time wonder?  If everything you do is only used once, you’re not making the most of your marketing assets.

Why repurpose marketing?

Providing the same information in different formats is a great way to reach other groups of potential clients.  Everyone has their preference on how they consume content, some like to read, others like watching videos or listening to podcasts.  The more different ways you present your information, the more people you will reach with your message.

Repurposing existing marketing takes less time than starting from scratch with a new piece of content.  It’s a great way of working smarter and not harder.

Repurposing content in action

This is something I’m working on and there’s certainly room for improvement.  There are so many ways to repurpose marketing, but I have to make it as efficient as possible.  I’m one person and there’s a limit to what I can do, and be consistent with.

As a practitioner, I write a regular newsletter for my clients.  I then take the article from it and put it onto the Lightning Process blog.  This covers the articles I need to create every month for the clinic with minimum extra work.  If the topic is relevant for my personal website, I’ll adapt it to be used there too.

I take the content on my own website a few steps further.  I want to build my own marketing assets and repurposing content is a brilliant way to do this.  Using my weekly blog post as an example, I create the following on a regular basis:

  • Record the blog as a podcast so I have the content in a totally different format and reach a totally different audience
  • Feature artwork is used to promote the article on social media.
  • Pin the feature post to Pinterest (although it’s not in the best format, it still attracts visitors to my website)
  • Create picture quotes in a square format for Instagram which is also shared on Facebook and Twitter.
  • The concept and message are then incorporated into my weekly emails

I’ve also used a combination of posts to create workshops and the materials that accompany them.  They’ve formed the basis of email opt-in guides and eBooks.  My biggest repurposing project to date is collating articles to use as a draft copy for my book.  This alone provided me with over half the book saving a huge amount of time.

Other options for repurposing content from my blogs include:

  • Create leaflets to give out at events or talks
  • Create a presentation and put it on SlideShare
  • Use the slides to create a video for YouTube and social media
  • Record the article as a video
  • Design an infographic to summarise the key points

Where to start with repurposing your content

If you have any existing content, review what you already have e.g. presentations, videos, articles, images etc. From your list, identify which work best for you in terms of engagement or attracting clients.   Use your analytics from your website or social media platforms to look for the most popular posts.  Pick your most popular two or three items to repurpose them into something else.

Create one extra item at a time

Whilst we all want to do everything, you’ll be setting yourself up to fail if you try and do it all at once.  Decide what one additional element can create from your original content to give you another piece of marketing material.  Once you get into the habit of creating the second piece of content, add to it with something else.

Doing one thing at a time, you’re much more likely to keep it up.  Trying to do too much in one go, you’re likely to stop before you’ve even got going.

If you like the idea of repurposing your content, a great book on the topic is Content 10x by Amy Woods.

If you need help repurposing your marketing, book a discovery call and find out how I can help you.

Podcast 15 show notes:

  • Why repurpose marketing? (1:56)
  • How I repurpose my marketing (2:42)
  • Where to start with repurposing content (7:08)
  • Creating one item at a time (8:35)

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