Podcast 65: Great Copy Starts with Knowing Your Ideal Client

content marketing ethical marketing finding clients marketing podcast May 13, 2021
Great Copy Starts with Knowing Your Ideal Client

This week I’m joined on the podcast by Natalie Gensits: a copywriter who specialises in helping health coaches write copy that connects with their ideal clients.  Natalie does this by either coaching health coaches to write their own copy, or she writes it for them to help them find clients and thrive.

Why it's so important for practitioners to find a niche

So many practitioners send out messages in their copy suggesting they can help anyone with everything.  Natalie understands how compelling it can be to put out generic "I can help everyone copy", but the message is going to fall short of you connecting with anyone. 

Potential clients are often left thinking "what am I supposed to do with this information?" Or "what is the practitioner doing?" 

By picking a niche you can write directly to your ideal client, so they know how you can help them.

Know your client's language

In addition to picking your niche, you also need to know the language your ideal client uses.  For example, you may use acupuncture to help women with anxiety.  Even this message will fall short of reaching your ideal client. 

Whilst you may think you’ve explained yourself, a woman who needs breathing space or wants to be able to relax at night (potential manifestations of anxiety), may not be thinking she has anxiety.

Natalie has had personal experience of when a practitioner doesn’t make it clear, that they know how to work with a specific health need. When dealing with mould illness, Natalie found that many practitioners spoke about treating fatigue or using nutrition to deal with sensitivities.  No one talked about the specific things that affected her.  When you talk about the specifics that affect a client, they immediately knows you can help them.

By being specific, it doesn't mean you can't help other people. It's simply tailoring your marketing messages directly to your ideal client.  People who are on the fringe of your niche, are still likely to come to you.

How do you go about identifying your niche?

Natalie suggests you look at your elevator pitch or marketing message and think about what you really do.  Who have you already helped?   Add to this your story and your background.  By tracing your milestones in life you can discover who you naturally serve. 

Also, think about the people you like working with.  You’ve probably worked with people that haven’t been open or invested enough to make the changes - these are not a good fit for your niche.

Discovering your client’s language

To connect with your ideal client through your copy, it's important to identify the language she uses about her issues.  You can identify this by asking people you know who represents your ideal client, questions.  Another option is to find online groups where your ideal client is, and research the topics they're talking about.  Facebook groups are a great resource for this type of research. 

Once you have a topic, Answerthepublic.com is a website that creates all the different questions asked on search engines about the topic.  You can use it to identify the possible questions your ideal clients may be asking about their issues.

Building your email list and lead magnets

Creating your business on social media platforms only is a risky business.  You're building a business on platforms where the rules can change (and often do) and you can be locked out at any point.

It's important to build an email list as it belongs to you and you have control of it.  You have permission to contact people and can use it to engage with your ideal clients. 

A lead magnet is a freebie you supply to someone in exchange for his or her email address - it's how you build your email list online. Lead magnets can be based on many types of media, including audio downloads, challenges and pdfs. 

When you create them, keep them simple.  Use language your ideal client would use and solve a particular issue she has that's related to your business.  Make sure your lead magnet isn't overwhelming - imagine receiving a 30-page pdf when all you want is a quick solution to your issue!

Knowing your ideal client as well as you know your best friend will help you create copy that speaks directly to them.  You will then be able to demonstrate exactly how you can help her and let her know you are the right practitioner for them.

Podcast 65 show notes:

  • (03.16) Why it's so important for practitioners to find a niche
  • (12.00) How do you go about identifying your niche?
  • (14:35) Ideal client language and questions they ask
  • (19:10) Building your email list and lead magnets

Find out more about Natalie Gensits and her work:


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