Creating a Morning Routine to Help You Thrive

mindset planning productivity Jun 02, 2022
Creating a Morning Routine to Help You Thrive

A great morning routine is the best way to set yourself up for the day ahead.

6-years ago, I read ‘The Miracle Morning’ by Hal Elrod and was inspired to do his 30-day challenge. Whilst I don’t agree with everything in his book, especially around the amount of sleep you need, I love the idea of doing all my personal development before I start my day.

My routine has evolved to suit me over the years but it’s something that brings me joy and has increased my productivity too.

I start with a cup of coffee and settle down in a comfy chair with my books and phone (I use the timer, or I’d probably fall asleep) and the next 30-mins is just for me.

If it isn’t possible for you to build this time into your morning, look for where else you can find time in your day.


I start with a 5- minute meditation which I increase or decrease depending on the time available. If you struggle to meditate, you could do a guided meditation using an app like HeadSpace or do breathwork – one of my favourites is Max Strom’s breathing to heal – here’s a link to his TEDx talk describing how to do it.


This could also be classed as doing affirmations – whatever works for you.

I have written a little script that I read to myself. I make sure my inner coach is kind, supportive and motivational when I do this. I want it to reinforce my vision and goals for all the different areas of my life such as my relationships, health and work.


I keep this section contained to what will fit on the page of an A5 diary. Whilst there are benefits to ‘free writing’ or ‘morning pages’ yet, I find this is best for me as the others take too long to do each day.

I use my diary to reflect on what I achieved the previous day and how I felt about it, to list the things I’m grateful for, to decide my focus for the day ahead and set my intentions for what I want to achieve by listing out my 3-5 goals.

Having this worked out means I start my day knowing exactly what my focus is.


This is another aspect I use my timer for. Once I’ve decided my intentions for the day, I visualise the day ahead. I imagine every aspect and take it out into my future, recognising it as the next step in achieving my vision for my best life.

I find running myself through the day in this way helps me to be motivated and ready for the day ahead of me.


I end my routine with 10-minutes reading. Most of the books are about business, marketing, productivity or personal development which probably comes as no surprise. This activity alone has helped me to continue to learn new things, many of which not only support my business but help my clients too.

Me time

Once I’ve finished the above, it’s time to get outside with the dogs. Whilst this is part of my morning routine, it’s a great way to relax and connect with nature before the start of my day.

When I first started my routine, it felt self-indulgent but now I realise it’s one of the ways I look after my own self-care and personal development needs before the start of the day. It’s the one thing I have consistently done for years, and I guard my precious me-time.

The positive knock-on effect is, that it’s hugely improved my productivity, knowledge, and self-belief. I’ve also found it useful to help me to navigate challenges and make decisions about my life and business.


Your morning routine will be personal to you, and you can adapt and change it to suit your needs and the time available.

Having great routines is something I help my coaching clients to create to support them to thrive. If you’re struggling, book a call and let’s have a chat about how I can help you.

Your success matters and Iā€™m here to help! Let's have a chat so I can learn more about you and your business, answer your questions, and recommend your best next steps.