Podcast 64: How to Position Your Holistic Business to Find Clients

branding ethical marketing finding clients marketing podcast May 06, 2021
How to Position Your Holistic Business to Find Clients

Positioning is one of those phrases that gets banded around but, what does it actually mean?

In its simplest terms, positioning is how you and your brand sits in the mind of your favourite client.  It determines how you connect with them and the services you offer.  It decides where you appear in relation to your competitors, and how you distinguish yourself from them.

How you position yourself can be responsible for how you build your brand and the strategies you use to connect with prospective clients.  It will determine your services and how they are packaged, how much you charge and ultimately will affect how successful your business will be.

Positioning and branding

Your positioning is integrated with your branding and represented in everything you do in your business.  Patience is a virtue, brands and positioning take time to establish, they don’t happen overnight.  Having the courage to take a stance on your position will help you to build a sustainable, thriving practice.

Decide how you want to be perceived in the eye of your favourite client.  A great starting point is to re-visit your vision for your business – podcast 47 Creating Your Vision for your holistic business will help you with this.

Where are you now?

What perception do clients have of you and your brand?

  • Are you an expert, or a generalist who can help anyone?
  • How experienced are you?
  • What’s the journey clients take to work with you?
  • Are you trustworthy and professional?
  • What does your brand, website, photo, information, and pricing communicate to those researching you?

Who are your clients?

Being able to clearly articulate who you help, and importantly, who you don’t help, will assist you to position yourself.  You want to create a situation where you attract people who will benefit from working with you and repel those who aren’t a good fit.

Your position lets people know what to expect from you and whether you’re the right person for them to work with.

Position yourself as an expert in one specific area and be known for that.  If you appear as though you can help anyone, you won’t be visible to those people you want to work with.

Check out podcast 51 – finding clients starts by knowing who you’re looking for, which will help you with this.

Packages and Pricing

Create packages and services that appeal to your favourite clients will reflect how you’re positioning yourself.  How you provide your solutions (in person, online, digital products, post etc.) to your client will affect how you price them too.

Your pricing will be based on what you’re offering, how you’re supplying it and importantly, the value you’re providing to your clients.

Remember, there’s a perceived value to the price you charge.  Are you providing the value option, or do you want to offer a premium service?  I’ve known people refuse to buy something because it was too cheap and perceived as being of poor quality.

Podcast 37 – how to work out your minimum hourly rate will help you make sure as a minimum, you’re paying yourself properly.

Marketing message

Your marketing message (or help statement, or elevator pitch) is a simple sentence that tells people who you help, what problem you help them with and what results they can achieve.  This can be enhanced and expanded upon when needed. 

At the core, it’s a simple message that clearly demonstrates your expertise.  It’s also something that needs to be easily understood and repeatable.

My marketing message has evolved with my business and I’ve tweaked it many times.  Get comfortable with it not being perfect as it’s likely to change over time.

Create a short message along the lines of, "I help (the people) with (the problem) to achieve (the results) using (your approach)."

Focus your marketing efforts

You’re positioning your marketing to reach your ideal clients.  Once you understand who they are, work out the best way to communicate with them.  There is no point in spending hours on social media if your clients never use it.

Podcast 62 – how do you know if your marketing is working, will help you figure this out.

Next steps

List down anything that doesn’t reflect how you want to be positioned in the mind of your favourite client.  Getting this out of your head will help you to prioritise what needs to be addressed first.

If you’re struggling to position yourself and your services, book a discovery call and find out how I can help you.

Podcast 64 show notes:

  • (02:32) Positioning and branding
  • (03:47) Where are you now?
  • (05:26) Who are your clients?
  • (06:41) Packages and pricing
  • (08:18) Marketing message
  • (10:02) Focus your marketing efforts
  • (10:50) Next steps

Podcast 47: Creating a vision for your Holistic Business

Podcast 51: Finding clients starts with knowing who you're looking for

Podcast 37: How to work out your minimum hourly rate

Podcast 62: How do you know if your marketing is working?

Book a discovery call

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